Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hide & Seek

Do you ever forget who you are?

In the elevator just now, as I rose slowly to the 14th floor that is my home, I asked myself,

"who are you?"

I didn't have an answer.
Not a good one, anyway.
Who are we anyway?
Are we who we *think* we are?
Are we what other people think we are?
Are we two things, separate and equal, all at once? Sort of like how the voice I hear and know as my own is very different from the voice you hear when I speak, yet they are one and the same voice.
When I look at myself in the mirror, do I see what you see? Are my eyes kinder, or do they seek the flaws I know exist?

I will have to ponder these questions further.

What I do know:
The summer of Steph started approx 3 1/2 weeks ago.
Many a goal I set for myself. I was probably too ambitious in the creation of that list...

If I am playing Hide and Seek with myself, searching for who I really am or who I would like to be, will I find myself by achieving these goals?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are you? (Who am I?)
Who is asking the question?
Is there one or two of you? (someone to ask - someone to listen?)

12:29 PM  

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